Cleaning your stroller

Cleaning your stroller? Our tips to have your stroller cleaned perfectly!

Cleaning your pram? Our tips to (have) your pram cleaned perfectly! A pram is an important amenity for young parents, which means it’s best to pay enough attention to its maintenance and cleaning. Not always easy, because in many cases cleaning a pram requires a specific approach. So what can you do to clean your pram and which factors should not be forgotten? Here is some useful advice and information to get your pram clean in no time.

Why is it so important to maintain your pram?

Every pushchair encounters dirt like sand, dust and gravel on a regular basis, so getting rid of these annoying elements quickly and properly is of great importance if you want to be able to use your pushchair for a long time to come. Elements that are especially vulnerable to safety include the wheels, upholstery and chassis.

Regular maintenance and thorough cleaning will not only help keep your pram clean, but will also improve its durability. So it definitely pays to clean your pram yourself or possibly have it done by an external service.

This is how to clean your pram thoroughly

There are several things to consider when cleaning your pram. Whether it’s an old pram you’ve been using for a long time or a brand new model, the advice below will help you get your pram looking great again straight away!

Pram parts that deserve regular cleaning

1. The pushchair wheels

First there are the wheels, which are logically indispensable if you want to make full use of your pram. Wheels and brakes are more vulnerable than any other parts of the pram as they move, which increases the chance of dirt getting stuck in them.

How do you clean these parts? Just use a simple, mild detergent to quickly remove grit, sand and mud. While doing so, occasionally take the wheels off the pushchair to clean them separately with lukewarm water. Also make sure that the wheels and any other detached parts dry well after cleaning before reattaching them.

If the wheels and brakes need a thorough cleaning, you can always oil them. This will keep them supple and mobile for a long time, making your ride safer and more comfortable. You can also prevent them from creaking and squeaking and they are less likely to be damaged by sand.

A final good idea is to use silicone spray to keep the bearings of the wheels supple. Do you have pneumatic tyres in your pram? Then check the tyre pressure once in a while!

2. Maintain the fabric elements of the pram

Next, of course, is the pram’s upholstery, including the hood and other fabric elements. This part of a pram can usually go in the washing machine without any problems these days, but first check if yours can. In most cases, fabric elements are easily detached by means of a zip or buttons. Can you machine wash them? If so, be sure not to wash them at more than 30 degrees Celsius.

It is also important not to put the hood and other fabric parts in the dryer, as this will cause them to shrink and no longer fit properly on the pushchair afterwards. Also, never clean the fabric elements with bleach or other chemical products.

Can’t put the fabric elements of your pushchair in the washing machine? Then simply clean them occasionally with a mild detergent and a cloth. This way, you can quickly remove unpleasant stains and dirt without affecting the life of your pushchair.

3. Clean the pram storage compartment

A final important element when cleaning your pram is the storage space underneath. This part is often overlooked when cleaning the pram, when in fact it is one of the most vulnerable to dirt and sand. Why? Because the storage area hangs closest to the ground and thus collects more dirt.

A good preventive tip is not to overload that storage area. That way, the bag in which you can put things will not sink far down and the chance of a lot of dust or dirt getting into it is also much smaller. Plus, this way you avoid overloading the storage frame, which of course only benefits the life of your pushchair as a whole.

Another good tip to avoid having to do extensive maintenance or even repairs to your storage unit? Definitely don’t overload it on the pushbar side, to reduce the chances of the pram toppling over. Usually, prams have a maximum loadable weight specified, so stick to that as well.

Cleaning the pram storage area can be done in different ways, depending on the material used for that storage area. Usually fabric bags are easy to take off and wash in the washing machine. Of course, you can always use a simple detergent and a cloth.

Does your pram have a solid tray made of wood or plastic? Then feel free to vacuum it to get all the security out and also clean it with a cleaning product.

4. Cleaning the chrome parts of the pushchair

Finally, there is also the chrome work of the pushchair, which is pretty much the base of the frame. Cleaning the body of the pushchair is usually easy, as it is usually made of aluminium and therefore does not hold much dust or dirt. For this, it is best to use a mild cleaning product and a simple cloth.

Have your pram cleaned or do it yourself: which is the best solution?

In short, cleaning your pram is an important step if you want to enjoy your pram for a long time to come. However, many people doubt whether they should do the job themselves or better have their pram cleaned by a professional. Both approaches offer their advantages and disadvantages:

Cleaning your pram yourself

If you clean your pram yourself, you will obviously save a lot of money. All you have to pay for are the cleaning products you use. On the other hand, you will be less certain of a good result, as there is a good chance you will forget certain vulnerable parts or not clean them thoroughly enough.

Having your pram cleaned

Next, you can also have your pram cleaned by a professional service. This is interesting if your pram needs a thorough cleaning and you are happy to pay a bit more money for it. But that is also a disadvantage: the price tag is often much higher in this case.

How to get more out of your pram

Cleaning a pram does not have to be complicated, as the above advice certainly makes clear. Of course, it is important in the first place to buy a good, reliable and beautiful pushchair. That way, you can use it for even longer.

So how do you get more out of your pushchair? First of all, it is important that you invest in a model from a leading and reliable brand, such as Mutsy or Joolz. The advantage of such a brand is that you are making a good long-term investment, even if it is a second-hand model.

In addition, it is not a bad idea to have your pushchair professionally cleaned by an external service. That way, your pushchair will stay good, safe and visually appealing for years to come!

Most frequently asked questions

Can I dry the fabric part of my pram in the dryer?

It is better not to do this, as the fabric parts might not fit over the pram frame afterwards. Instead, wash them with a cloth and detergent!

How do I make sure dirt doesn't just get into the pram storage area?

Make sure the storage bag does not hang too low against the ground by tightening it properly and not overloading it.

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