Stroller for tall people

Pram for tall people? Check which prams are most suitable!

Looking for a pushchair for tall people? Check out which prams are most suitable! A good pram is a must-have for young parents and, of course, no less so when it comes to tall parents! The search for a pram that offers comfort for both baby and the parents themselves is not exactly easy. After all, most standard models are only suitable for people of average height. Nevertheless, a lot of options exist, as long as you know where to look and what to pay attention to. Below you will get more useful information about the best buggies for tall people!

How exactly do you choose the best pram for tall people?

Before we can delve deeper into the best buggies for tall people, it might not be a bad idea to first determine what things are so important when looking for a good pushchair. Here’s some more info:

The height of the cradle or seat

The height of the pram’s seat or cradle is essential, as your baby will undoubtedly love to pull himself up once he is a bit older. A higher pull-up bar on the seat means that you don’t have to bend forward as much, thus avoiding a lot of physical discomfort when lifting your baby.

The type of pushchair

It is no secret that there are many different types of prams. The model that best suits your situation actually depends mainly on the age of your child. For example, a pushchair is ideal if your child is between 6 and 9 months old and can already sit independently more easily.

The advantage of a so-called combi stroller, on the other hand, is that you can use such a model for different ages and for several children. This also explains the great popularity of such pushchairs, although you usually pay a bit more for them.


In general, all prams can be folded, but some fold more easily than others. If you regularly travel by car and take the pram with you, this is an important factor to consider.

In addition, it is best if the pram does not weigh too much, as this makes it easier and quicker to transport. Finally, also pay attention to the size of the pram and whether it will fit in your car at all!

Overall comfort

Comfort is essential when buying a pram, and this involves both you and your baby. Therefore, look for a model that offers enough lying and sitting comfort for your baby but is also easy for you to handle and push. Taking into account your larger stature, of course.

The safety of the pushchair

When it comes to your baby, safety is of course always paramount, even with a buggy. Does the model you have in mind have a sturdy strap and possibly an extra safety device to prevent folding? Investigate any safety measures in the buggy to make sure you can drive it carefree.

What about the pushchair’s tyres?

The pushchair’s tyres not only determine how comfortable you ride over flat and uneven terrain, but will also have an impact on your overall driving safety. Most prams for tall people have larger tyres, making them slightly more stable on uneven surfaces.

Nevertheless, it’s also best to research the type of tyres, as they can be pneumatic or plastic tyres. The former are slightly more pleasant when the ground is bumpy but hard tyres, on the other hand, naturally never puncture.

Accessories for the pushchair

Without the right accessories, it is virtually impossible to fully enjoy the comfort of a good pushchair. Accessories include things like:

– Matching changing bags
– Foot bags
– Sunshades
– Cup holders

Of course, these items are not essential for driving around with your baby but they are important if you want to provide your baby with extra comfort in every possible situation. Ask yourself beforehand whether you need such accessories or not.

The best pushchairs for tall people

Now that it is clear what to look for when looking for a pram for tall people, the moment of truth has come: which prams are perfect for tall people and why? Here’s an overview!

1. The Stokke Xplory

First up is the Stokke Xplory, one of the best-known buggies for tall people as both the push bar and seat are easily adjustable in height. With this buggy, you get a seat and a carrycot, with a maximum carrying capacity of up to 15 kilograms.

Also, this buggy, which is in fact a combi stroller and thus suitable for transporting more than one child, has a small, integrated turning circle which gives you extra flexibility when driving it.

2. The Joolz Day

The Joolz Day also belongs on the list of best pushchairs for tall parents and this is thanks to the adjustability of the seat and push bar. An important advantage of this model is that you can easily fold it into a small package and thus quickly take it with you and store it away. Even if you don’t have too much space in the car.

3. The Joolz Geo

The fact that there are two Joolz models on this list of best buggies for tall people proves that this brand is really worth considering. The Joolz Geo is an extra tall pram with adjustable seat and handlebar, perfect for very tall people.

What is the important difference between the Geo and the Day? The Geo offers enough space for multiple babies. An extra cradle or seat makes it possible to transport two babies or infants. As icing on the cake, this model also has an extra-large shopping basket underneath. Plenty of room!

4. The Mutsy Evo

Finally, there is the Mutsy Evo, a pushchair considered one of the best by a lot of taller people. Again, both the seat of the buggy and the front push bar are easily adjustable in height. Despite its sturdy design, this model weighs only 8 kilos and thus also drives very easily over any terrain.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this buggy does outperform many other pushchairs in terms of price. With a price tag of ‘only’ 600 euros, it is among the cheaper ones on offer, which is surely something to remember too.

Where to buy a pram for tall people?

Surely, the search for a good pushchair for taller people becomes a bit easier thanks to the above tips. Of course, you don’t want to just buy the first the best pram online and then just hope it rides and sits a bit comfortably. That’s why it’s a good idea to always try out a buggy on the spot and take a look at it in the shop.

This is especially important if you are looking for a model for larger people. Why? Because chances are that the buggy doesn’t feel entirely comfortable even in the highest position, or that there are other things you’re not happy with while driving. So it’s best not to just order a pushchair online: visit the shop to make sure you don’t buy a pig in a poke!

Most frequently asked questions

Why are tyres important when looking for a pushchair for tall people?

First, tyre quality plays an important role in terms of comfort. In doing so, it is not a bad idea to consider the advantages and disadvantages of both hard tyres and pneumatic tyres. Hard tyres are more durable but are a little less comfortable on the road. Pneumatic tyres ride a bit more comfortably but can puncture.

What is the advantage of a combi trolley for taller people?

A combi stroller is especially interesting for tall people who want to transport several children at the same time. After all, such a buggy offers enough space for two or even more babies.

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